A selling order may be carried out as a single transaction or in the form of several transactions; however, this does not change the applicable commission fee.
Commission fee applicable to orders fulfilled in parts.
The user reported that s/he set a selling order and that a portion of the selling order was fulfilled. S/he also reported that the commission fee collected had increased because the transaction was carried out not in 1 portion but 3 portions. Upon the receipt of notification about this issue, our technical team initiated the examination process.
- When a selling order is set, the transaction is carried out as a single transaction if there is a buying order to meet the amount subject to this selling order. However, the order is fulfilled in parts if there is no single buying order to meet the full amount. Thus, the transaction is carried out as fast as possible.
- If the buying or selling order does not match a corresponding order or if it meets it only partially, then the remaining portion of the order continues to be “Open Order”.
- The technical examination revealed that the collected commission fee was accurate. Whether an order is carried out as a single transaction or in portions does not change the applicable commission fee.
- In case of a selling order, the buying orders corresponding to the selling price are matched with the relevant selling order. Therefore, an order may be carried out as a single transaction or in the form of several partial transactions.
- The transaction is completed once the full order is fulfilled based on the proposed selling price.
- The commission fee is collected proportionally, not as per transaction.
– For instance, a selling order for 0.1 BTC may be carried out as a single transaction or in portions such as 0.04 BTC, 0.04 BTC, and 0.02 BTC. The commission fee is proportionally applied to every single portion. Mathematically, the commission fee remains the same whether an order is carried out as a single transaction or in several portions.
– To be more specific, a commission fee of 2‰ (2 per thousand) applicable to a transaction by 1000 TL means a commission fee of 2 TL. If the order is carried out in portions like 400 TL, 400 TL, and 200 TL, then the commission rate of 2‰ (2 per thousand) is applicable to each amount individually. Therefore, individual commission fees -respectively 0.8 TL, 0.8 TL, and 0.4 TL- are collected, and the total commission fee amounts to 2 TL.
What should I do?
- You can check your monthly transaction volume and commission rates applicable to your account on the “Account Settings” panel.
- For more detailed information on commission rates applicable on Paribu, please click on the article titled “Commissions”.
Bu içerik en son 26 October 2022 tarihinde güncellenmiştir.