Review of “Kripto Varlık Hizmet Sağlayıcılar Rehberi” (The Guide on Crypto Asset Service Providers) in 7 points

Review of "Kripto Varlık Hizmet Sağlayıcılar Rehberi" (The Guide on Crypto Asset Service Providers) in 7 points - ParibuLog

According to the sub-paragraph (ü) added by the Regulation amendment published on May 1, 2021, published on the Official Gazette No. 31471, “crypto asset service providers” are deemed liable in the scope of the Law Regarding the Prevention of Laundering of Crime Revenues No. 5549. Legal Department of Paribu As the leading crypto asset transaction platform of Turkey, we publish this5

What exactly are these NFTs?

What exactly are these NFTs? - ParibuLog

What are NFTs, one of the most discussed issues recently, and what are they for? Turan Sert Advisory Board Member of Paribu In the recent days, I shared my analyses regarding NFTs on the program ’10 Soruda Kripto Para Dünyası’ (The World of Cryptocurrency Explained in 10 Questions) hosted by Gizem Uzuner Gençtürk. Alright, then what does NFT mean, where does it come from and what are5

Why a higher price movement is observed for recently listed cryptocurrencies on the first day? | Akar Aydemir

Why a higher price movement is observed for recently listed cryptocurrencies on the first day? | Akar Aydemir - ParibuLog

While executing cryptocurrency transactions, the relevant project and the former price movements of the cryptocurrency should be analyzed. Akar Aydemir Business Development Manager of Paribu Recently, as soon as Paribu declares that it will list a cryptocurrency, this can lead to price fluctuations on other platforms. Since the cryptocurrencies listed on Paribu have already proven their success5

How are the cryptocurrency transaction platforms reinforced? | Cemil Şinasi Türün

How are the cryptocurrency transaction platforms reinforced? | Cemil Şinasi Türün - ParibuLog

Turkey holds an esteemed position in the world of cryptocurrencies. Moreover, Turkish cryptocurrency transactionplatforms begin to reach important levels in the world regarding the trading volume. For instance, on some days during the recent months, Paribu reached 200,000 visitors who executed transactions in the same minute. I would like to treat what it exactly means in this article. Cemil5

Are the users of cryptocurrency transaction platforms “consumers”? | Lawyer Mehmet Türkarslan

Are the users of cryptocurrency transaction platforms "consumers"? | Lawyer Mehmet Türkarslan - ParibuLog

While the number of individuals that make transactions using cryptocurrencies, particularly with Bitcoin, gradually increases, determining whether we can consider the users as “consumers” or not carries great importance.  Lawyer Mehmet Türkarslan Legal Advisor of Paribu Trading transactions of all “coin” and “tokens“, particularly Bitcoin, have been increasing5

We aimed to overcome an obstacle in the cryptocurrency ecosystem with the “First Step” offer

We aimed to overcome an obstacle in the cryptocurrency ecosystem with the “First Step” offer - ParibuLog

We have concluded The most comprehensive cryptocurrency research of Turkey with Akademetre in July and made it public. The statistical results demonstrated that a significant population in Turkey has not yet taken a step into the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The most important obstacle here was the idea that making transactions in cryptocurrency were “hard”. We launched our “First step” offer on5

All you need to know about the content of user agreements on digital assets trading platforms | Mehmet Türkarslan, Attorney

All you need to know about the content of user agreements on digital assets trading platforms | Mehmet Türkarslan, Attorney - ParibuLog

Our corporate policy requires us to protect our users’ rights and interests, integrate into the developing technology legislation rapidly and update our user agreements accordingly. Attorney Mehmet Türkarslan Paribu Legal Advisor  It should be remembered that once you sign up for a digital assets trading platform, you start a relationship based on a consumer contract in its simplest form. An5

Are blockchain browsers functional? | Akar Aydemir

Are blockchain browsers functional? | Akar Aydemir - ParibuLog

Although blockchain browsers ensure transparency, they are not sufficient for the management of an investment process. Akar Aydemir Paribu Business Development Manager Blockchain and cryptocurrencies provide both privacy and transparency, and this is one of  the most significant advantages of this technology. So how is it possible to ensure privacy and transparency at the same time? Let’s have a5

3 taxation options for cryptocurrencies | Ayhan Tüfek

3 taxation options for cryptocurrencies | Ayhan Tüfek - ParibuLog

Whether profits gained from cryptocurrencies should be taxed is one of the most frequently asked questions about the ecosystem in Turkey. Ayhan Tüfek Independent Accountant/Financial Advisor So far, the government has not made any decisions about the taxation of the profits gained from cryptocurrencies. Taxation is currently applicable only to cryptocurrency miners, brokerage firms providing5