What are Bitcoin mining pools?

What are Bitcoin mining pools? - ParibuLog

Bitcoin mining is one of the most important topics in the blockchain world. Miners are persons responsible for producing cryptocurrencies and recording and approving cryptocurrency transfers through hardware and software, and the work they do is called mining. One of the most common terms we come across in this context is the mining pool. What is a mining pool? ASICs, which are seen as the most5

Cryptocurrency for Beginners

Cryptocurrency for Beginners - ParibuLog

Basic information is needed to make trading of cryptocurrencies safer. Definitions, blockchaintechnology, information on different cryptocurrencies help users navigate their path through the landscape of digital currency. What is cryptocurrency? If we are going back to the basics, there is every use in knowing what cryptocurrency means. Cryptocurrency is a digital asset developed using the5

7 myths about Bitcoin

7 myths about Bitcoin - ParibuLog

Bitcoin, an open-source decentralized software product whose white paper was released by Satoshi Nakamoto, which could either be a single individual or a denominator for a group, in 2008 and then launched in 2009, has been an item of interest ever since. There is no lack of legends, myths and even apocryphal rumors when it comes to bitcoin. So, what is bitcoin really? Myth 1: Bitcoin is a5

How can I store my cryptocurrencies?

How can I store my cryptocurrencies? - ParibuLog

The method to store cryptocurrencies is a topic as important as the investment itself. Since the storage of cryptocurrencies is of vital importance, users should be extremely cautious in this regard. Among corporate users, advanced methods with high costs are quite popular. To name a few, the companies offering HSM solutions and storage services. In addition to that, individual users can store5

Why Buy/Sell Easily option for some cryptocurrencies is temporarily disabled on Paribu?

Why Buy/Sell Easily option for some cryptocurrencies is temporarily disabled on Paribu? - ParibuLog

“Buy/Sell Easily” is an option that allows our users to trade cryptocurrencies with a single step by only determining the amount. Akar Aydemir The Business Development Manager of Paribu With the “Buy/Sell Easily” option, transaction orders are matched one by one with buying and selling orders by our other users, which are seen on the order book. It works as a “Market5

The social media policy of Paribu

The social media policy of Paribu - ParibuLog

The news, recent developments, and announcements regarding Paribu are shared via the official social media accounts of Paribu, on the “Announcements” page of the website, and ParibuLog. For the issues regarding Paribu, no other communication channels apart from the ones mentioned above are to be trusted. Working towards the goal of “being the source of the correct5

How to buy cryptocurrency on Paribu?

How to buy cryptocurrency on Paribu? - ParibuLog

It is a matter of seconds to buy cryptocurrency on Paribu.
Just follow the steps below:
Step 1: Click on the “Buy/Sell Easily” option.
Step 2: Click on the “Buy” button to buy the cryptocurrency of your choice.
Step 3: Specify the amount of TRY for buying.
Step 4: Click on the “Buy” button.

How to validate your identity on Paribu?

How to validate your identity on Paribu? - ParibuLog

It is a matter of seconds to validate your identity on Paribu.
Just follow the steps below:
Step 1: Go to the “Settings” section.
Step 2: Click on “Identity Verification”.
Step 3: Enter the required information.
Step 4: Complete your identity verification by clicking on “Save my Details”.

ETH/USDT parity | How to make ETH transactions with USDT on Paribu?

ETH/USDT parity | How to make ETH transactions with USDT on Paribu? - ParibuLog

It is possible to make Ethereum (ETH) transactions with Tether (USDT) on Paribu. Follow these easy steps to make a donation: Log in to your Paribu account. Click on the markets option. Choose USDT from the top of the list. Click on Ethereum on the next screen. For buying: -By choosing “Limit”, “Market”, or “Condition”, you can buy ETH with USDT. For selling: 5