Paribu supports seven national athletes on their way to the Olympics

Paribu supports seven national athletes on their way to the Olympics - ParibuLog

The biggest cryptocurrency transaction platform of Turkey per trading volume with 3.5 million users, Paribu fulfils its social responsibility this time by supporting seven athletes who will represent Turkey in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics.  Stating “We take responsibility and take action for the world of tomorrow,” Paribu supports national athletes who represent Turkey in the world of5

Cemil Şinasi Türün has attended the recent episode of 10 Soruda Kripto Para Dünyası (The World of Cryptocurrency Explained in 10 Questions) as a guest

Cemil Şinasi Türün has attended the recent episode of 10 Soruda Kripto Para Dünyası (The World of Cryptocurrency Explained in 10 Questions) as a guest - ParibuLog

The 9th episode of “10 Soruda Kripto Para Dünyası” (The World of Cryptocurrency Explained in 10 Questions) broadcasted by BloombergHT and sponsored by Paribu has been broadcasted. Güzem Yılmaz Ertem has asked about what is needed to be known on cryptocurrency security regarding the recent developments being discussed. While expressing his ideas on the regulations5

Yasin Oral: “Capital requirements should be set in the regulation”

Yasin Oral: "Capital requirements should be set in the regulation" - ParibuLog

Yasin Oral has attended the recent episode of “10 Soruda Kripto Para Dünyası” (The World of Cryptocurrency Explained in 10 Questions) broadcasted on Bloomberg HT and sponsored by Paribu as a guest. Güzem Yılmaz Ertem and Gizem Uzuner Gençtürk have posed questions regarding the regulation anticipated to be imposed on crypto markets and Oral has5

Yasin Oral: “Paribu consist of two structures: Paribu LAB and Paribu HUB”

Yasin Oral: "Paribu consist of two structures: Paribu LAB and Paribu HUB" - ParibuLog

The Golden Sponsor of Webrazzi Developer 2021, one of the most significant events in the world of software, is Paribu. Moreover, Yasin Oral, CEO of Paribu and Levent Kaya, the Product Development & Project Manager of Paribu, gave a speech with the title “Yarını Kodlamak” (Coding Tomorrow) at the event. Yasin Oral underlined the fact that Paribu is not only a5

Yekta Kopan has hosted Bünyamin Sürmeli and Başak Burcu Yiğit on Yarının Dünyası (The World of Tomorrow)

Yekta Kopan has hosted Bünyamin Sürmeli and Başak Burcu Yiğit on Yarının Dünyası (The World of Tomorrow) - ParibuLog

This week, Yekta Kopan hosted Bünyamin Sürmeli and Başak Burcu Yiğit. On the program, “The World of Tomorrow” was discussed through various topics from climate crisis to gender equality, from economy to blockchain. Touching upon the survey “Blokzincir Ekosisteminde Kadın Olmak” (Being a Woman in the Blockchain Ecosystem) conducted by Akademetre5

This week, Yekta Kopan hosted Arda Türkmen and Ebru Güven on Yarının Dünyası (The World of Tomorrow)

This week, Yekta Kopan hosted Arda Türkmen and Ebru Güven on Yarının Dünyası (The World of Tomorrow) - ParibuLog

Yekta Kopan hosted Arda Türkmen and Ebru Güven on the recent episode of Yarının Dünyası (The World of Tomorrow). Started with the effects of the pandemic on the industries, the conservation ended with blockchain. Ebru Güven, Chairwomen of the Executive Board of Istanbul Blockchain Women Turkey (ISTBCW), talked about the position of women in the blockchain5

“Tüm Zamanların En Yükseği” (The Highest of All Times) podcast episode where the podcasts are discussed is published

"Tüm Zamanların En Yükseği" (The Highest of All Times) podcast episode where the podcasts are discussed is published - ParibuLog

This week, Mert Fırat and İsmail Hakkı Polat hosted Deniz Dülgeroğlu on Tüm Zamanların En Yükseği (The Highest of All Times). The conversation started with the podcast series “Merdiven Altı Terapi” (Backstreet Therapy) and discussed the possible effects of blockchain technology on our life. In the 21st century, everything is built on5

Yekta Kopan discussed the concept of digital transformation with Serdar Kuzuloğlu and Elçin Karatay

Yekta Kopan discussed the concept of digital transformation with Serdar Kuzuloğlu and Elçin Karatay - ParibuLog

This week, Yekta Kopan hosted Serdar Kuzuloğlu and Elçin Karatay on Yarının Dünyası (The World of Tomorrow). Alongside the decentralization and transparency of blockchain and how it can shape our future, its legal aspects have been dealt with as well. Privacy or transparency? According to Kuzuloğlu, some compromises on privacy are made in order to receive a5

Can Bonomo has been hosted on Tüm Zamanların En Yükseği (The Highest of All Times)

Can Bonomo has been hosted on Tüm Zamanların En Yükseği (The Highest of All Times) - ParibuLog

On Tüm Zamanların En Yükseği (The Highest of All Times) prepared with the sponsorship by Paribu, Mert Fırat and İsmail Hakkı Polat have hosted Can Bonomo this week. The conversation started with Can Bonomo’s becoming a father recently, his former job as a radio programmer and extended to trading. Mentioning that he began executing cryptocurrency5

Paribu and Akustikhane introduce the songs of tomorrow to music lovers with the series “Yeni Yerli” (New Local)

Paribu and Akustikhane introduce the songs of tomorrow to music lovers with the series "Yeni Yerli" (New Local) - ParibuLog

With its approximately 4 million users, Paribu, Turkey’s biggest cryptocurrency transaction platform by tradingvolume, contributes to the music of tomorrow. In the series “Yeni Yerli” (“New Local”) prepared by Akustikhane with the sponsorship of Paribu, the songs to leave a mark in our future are introduced to the music lovers now. Recording the musicians audio and5