“Is blockchain any good when it comes to health services?” | BlokGezgini

“Is blockchain any good when it comes to health services?” | BlokGezgini - ParibuLog

Blockchain can make people’s lives easier as it finds itself more room in our lives, and when it does so, people will just wonder why we have not though of this before. In our previous blog “How can the world of sports get along with blockchain technology?”, we talked about potential scenarios for cryptocurrencies playing a more prominent role in the world of sports. Today, we5

Paribu is among the top 20 most trafficked cryptocurrency trading platforms globally

Paribu is among the top 20 most trafficked cryptocurrency trading platforms globally - ParibuLog

According to a report by ICO Analytics, which offers monthly traffic analysis of cryptocurrency trading platforms, Paribu was among the top 20 most trafficked cryptocurrency trading platforms in the world.  Having entered the list in March, April, June and August in 2021, Paribu became the only domestic platform to be among the top 20 in the world with its monthly traffic statistics5

What are Bitcoin mining pools?

What are Bitcoin mining pools? - ParibuLog

Bitcoin mining is one of the most important topics in the blockchain world. Miners are persons responsible for producing cryptocurrencies and recording and approving cryptocurrency transfers through hardware and software, and the work they do is called mining. One of the most common terms we come across in this context is the mining pool. What is a mining pool? ASICs, which are seen as the most5

Cryptocurrency for Beginners

Cryptocurrency for Beginners - ParibuLog

Basic information is needed to make trading of cryptocurrencies safer. Definitions, blockchaintechnology, information on different cryptocurrencies help users navigate their path through the landscape of digital currency. What is cryptocurrency? If we are going back to the basics, there is every use in knowing what cryptocurrency means. Cryptocurrency is a digital asset developed using the5

Funds delivered to approximately 1000 children through Paribu-led donation project for UNICEF Turkey

Funds delivered to approximately 1000 children through Paribu-led donation project for UNICEF Turkey - ParibuLog

Paribu, Turkey’s highest-volume cryptocurrency transaction platform, breaks new ground leading the effort for cryptocurrency donations to UNICEF Turkey, raising funds for more than 950 children. Donations in Bitcoin and Ethereum through Paribu, which offers fast, easy and secure crypto-money transaction services to its users, fund the efforts for providing girls and boys access to quality5

“Fenerbahçe Token whitepaper sets forth a 25-year vision”

“Fenerbahçe Token whitepaper sets forth a 25-year vision” - ParibuLog

Paribu’s CEO Yasin Oral appeared on the Focus program hosted by Güzem Yılmaz Ertem on BloombergHT. Oral answered questions about Fenerbahçe Token live. Yasin Oral detailed Paribu’s recent agreement with Fenerbahçe, on top of many domestic and foreign fan tokens. A first in Turkey In response to Ertem’s question about the details of the said partnership5

Support Analysis: Delays to the block network when making cryptocurrency deposits

Support Analysis: Delays to the block network when making cryptocurrency deposits - ParibuLog

Case:  A user depositing crypto funds in their account contacts us saying, ‘I deposited BTC, could you please credit my account’ after seeing that no transfer of crypto money had yet taken place. Process: The user was trying to deposit coins in their account. Seeing that no transfer of funds had taken place, he contact us saying, “I deposited some coins, could you please5

7 myths about Bitcoin

7 myths about Bitcoin - ParibuLog

Bitcoin, an open-source decentralized software product whose white paper was released by Satoshi Nakamoto, which could either be a single individual or a denominator for a group, in 2008 and then launched in 2009, has been an item of interest ever since. There is no lack of legends, myths and even apocryphal rumors when it comes to bitcoin. So, what is bitcoin really? Myth 1: Bitcoin is a5

Paribu raises its paid-in capital to 40 million TRY

Paribu raises its paid-in capital to 40 million TRY - ParibuLog

Turkey’s biggest crypto money transaction platform Paribu has increased its paid-in capital from 12 million to 40 million TRY.  Paribu also established a new company with a capital of 50 million TRY. The increase was published in the Trade Registry Gazette 10335 on May 26, 2021. Offering its users a fast, easy and secure cryptocurrency transaction service, Paribu released a5

Support Analysis: Confirmation code not received due to incorrect email address

Support Analysis: Confirmation code not received due to incorrect email address - ParibuLog

Case: A user wanting to withdraw cryptocurrency from their account cannot get his/her approval code due to having entered the wrong e-mail address during signup. Process: The user logged into their account via the mobile app / website to withdraw cryptocurrency. The user realized that they got no confirmation code sent to their email address after asking for a release of funds and they contacted5