Turkey’s digital asset platform with the highest trading volume, Paribu has publicized its commercials focusing on the dynamics of its services that set the global standards.
There is now very little time left for the bitcoin mining reward halving. Considering the average block resolution speed, it is expected that the halving will happen in the evening on May 11th, 2020.
Paribu will support IKSV Alt Kat, which directly reaches children, young people and groups with limited access to culture and arts and organizes activities aimed at them.
Bora Erdamar and Turan Sert were the guests at the broadcast moderated by Devrim Danyal. The program was broadcast alive on BTCHaber’s YouTube channel.
There are continuing initiatives and concrete steps aimed at cryptocurrency and digital money. This helps us obtain certain data about the future of the ecosystem.
It is important to prefer platforms and applications, the source of which is reliable so that digital assets can be kept safely. However, ill-intentioned people are ceaselessly trying to do something.
Last week, one of the most important topics of discussion was the Bitcoin Cash halving, which had been strongly anticipated. Another hot topic was the increasing benefits of blockchain technology with regard to projects about Coronavirus.