Regulation on Decommissioning the Use of Crypto Assets for Payments”

Regulation on Decommissioning the Use of Crypto Assets for Payments" - ParibuLog

“Regulation on Decommissioning the Use of Crypto Assets for Payments” was published on April 16 2021, in the Official Gazette. Within the scope of the regulation to be enforced on April 30, payment and electronic currency institutions cannot intermediate for cryptocurrency transaction platforms and the fund transfers to be executed through these platforms. Therefore, the regulation is5

Mehmet Demirkol was hosted on Tüm Zamanların En Yükseği (The Highest of All Times) | How can Turkish football be saved? What is a fan token?

Mehmet Demirkol was hosted on Tüm Zamanların En Yükseği (The Highest of All Times) | How can Turkish football be saved? What is a fan token? - ParibuLog

İsmail Hakkı Polat and Mert Fırat recorded the third episode of “Tüm Zamanların En Yükseği” (The Highest of All Times) podcast series sponsored by Paribu. The guest of this podcast has been sports columnist and commentator Mehmet Demirkol. The question posed by Mert Fırat to Demirkol directed the course of the whole conversation: “How can5

On recent developments

On recent developments - ParibuLog

As the biggest crypto asset transaction platform per trading volume with its 3.5 million users, we follow the developments discussed in the news and social media posts together with all stakeholders of the ecosystem. Since 2017, the year we were established, we have emphasized the necessity of the regulations, and we support relevant efforts to ensure the healthy progress of the crypto asset5

The winners of the PUBG Mobile Tournament organized in the scope of the Paribu Campus Challenge have been announced

The winners of the PUBG Mobile Tournament organized in the scope of the Paribu Campus Challenge have been announced - ParibuLog

PUBG Mobile Tournament, organized within the scope of “Paribu Campus Challenge” with the cooperation of Paribu and Gaming in Turkey has been finalized. The tournament was held between the dates April 6-13, and the semi-finals competed on April 15. 4 finalist teams finished the tournament by playing three more matches on April 16. TRY 10 was assigned to the Paribu account of every5

Paribu supports seven national athletes on their way to the Olympics

Paribu supports seven national athletes on their way to the Olympics - ParibuLog

The biggest cryptocurrency transaction platform of Turkey per trading volume with 3.5 million users, Paribu fulfils its social responsibility this time by supporting seven athletes who will represent Turkey in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics.  Stating “We take responsibility and take action for the world of tomorrow,” Paribu supports national athletes who represent Turkey in the world of5

Cemil Şinasi Türün has attended the recent episode of 10 Soruda Kripto Para Dünyası (The World of Cryptocurrency Explained in 10 Questions) as a guest

Cemil Şinasi Türün has attended the recent episode of 10 Soruda Kripto Para Dünyası (The World of Cryptocurrency Explained in 10 Questions) as a guest - ParibuLog

The 9th episode of “10 Soruda Kripto Para Dünyası” (The World of Cryptocurrency Explained in 10 Questions) broadcasted by BloombergHT and sponsored by Paribu has been broadcasted. Güzem Yılmaz Ertem has asked about what is needed to be known on cryptocurrency security regarding the recent developments being discussed. While expressing his ideas on the regulations5

Yasin Oral: “Capital requirements should be set in the regulation”

Yasin Oral: "Capital requirements should be set in the regulation" - ParibuLog

Yasin Oral has attended the recent episode of “10 Soruda Kripto Para Dünyası” (The World of Cryptocurrency Explained in 10 Questions) broadcasted on Bloomberg HT and sponsored by Paribu as a guest. Güzem Yılmaz Ertem and Gizem Uzuner Gençtürk have posed questions regarding the regulation anticipated to be imposed on crypto markets and Oral has5

Yasin Oral: “Paribu consist of two structures: Paribu LAB and Paribu HUB”

Yasin Oral: "Paribu consist of two structures: Paribu LAB and Paribu HUB" - ParibuLog

The Golden Sponsor of Webrazzi Developer 2021, one of the most significant events in the world of software, is Paribu. Moreover, Yasin Oral, CEO of Paribu and Levent Kaya, the Product Development & Project Manager of Paribu, gave a speech with the title “Yarını Kodlamak” (Coding Tomorrow) at the event. Yasin Oral underlined the fact that Paribu is not only a5